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莫纳什大学professional pathway

浏览次数:2106次 时间:2014-10-21
接触到一些学生对职业年的学习有反感, 认为自己已经读了那么多年的书, 还要继续职业年的学习, 是在浪费父母的钱和自己的时间, 其实职业年的学习并不是学历课程, 是一个把您领进专业职场的课程, 当然如果您已经有了专业的工作, 是没有必要来读的.
职业年的学习一般根据学生的情况, 安排在周末, 或平时的两个上午或晚上, 是让学生有更多的时间来实习和工作, 课程中除了教授一些基本的应聘技能, 职场文化等, 还有注重在高分雅思的指导上, Professional Pathways Australia (PPA)还为学生安排免费的雅思考试.
职业年的学习中, 学校会安排所有的学生在专业层面的实习和工作, 比如Professional Pathways Australia (PPA)有和超过3000家公司有联系, 而这些实习是你发挥自己能力的地方, 是你获得认可的地方, 也是你建立职业生涯的第一步. 读大学, 澳洲留学, 到澳洲的名校留学的目的是什么? 不是把证书挂在墙上, 而是为了有好的工作和发展, 是为了过一个平安富裕的生活, 所以人生真正的挑战并不是大学而是工作, 不是吗?
Professional Pathways Australia (PPA) 是和莫纳什Monash大学相关的, 所以对莫纳什Monash大学的毕业生减免1000澳元的学费和免除注册费275澳元.
再来看看在Professional Pathways Australia (PPA)就读职业年学生和学生实习公司的反馈:
“I have learnt MYOB knowledge and practical skills. I have also improved my writing skills when writing a Financial Plan.”

“I have done a project for my company and I was also involved in auditing work. I have learnt a lot of things from the internship experience, I would say I have learnt more than I expected. Thanks for your guidance and support.”

IT专业的学生Dakang :
“This internship experience is very important and useful to me. I was able to put my technical skills, Australian workplace skills and business communication skills which I have gained into practice. I have learnt a lot from this internship. I will definitely recommend this fantastic Professional Year program to my friends.”

“Arun is a sincere person, he works well towards deadlines which is a very important aspect in the superannuation Industry. He did not hesitate to ask questions and was very keen to learn more. We were very happy with him and that’s why we have offered him a graduate position within our company. He will be joining us soon in Jan 2011.

“Aravindas knowledge in Excel has contributed some process improvements in our Accounts Payable Department. Self confidence in dealing with internal and external customers is another important point. During his brief stay I have noticed a vast improvement in Aravindas presentation and communication skills.”

“We were so pleased with Yes maturity and ability that we have offered her a position in our organisation.”